Russian bird ladies

Russian bird ladies

At that times they were proposed to have as much propellers as possible to help carrying those huge flying fortresses into the air, jet propulsion has not been implemented at those times yet. These exclusive photos and videos of russian bird ladies flying fortresses as well as the story behind it.

Thats worse than Hughes Spruce goose! My favourite is the Nazi UFO. You really missed something, my friend. I don’t speak of this matter often because people do not believe me, but let me tell you, you have not experienced anal probe until you experience alien anal probe. They have given me an appointmentfor later today. After that just a simple brain wipe and I can come down to earth again. UFOs wireless router would have it’s security enabled.

Sorry but if you mean german flying saucer then you should know that is not secret anymore. The factory in Eger was found underground close to the airport. There is many pictures taken in 1943 on Kbely Airport Prague, where those flying saucers was tested. In 2005 Czech National TV station found eyewitnesses of those tests and made documentary about this secret weapon. Did the real one actually flew? I can see that whoever did the modern drawings knows nothing about aircraft design. Those landing gear alone would keep it firmly rooted to the ground.