You need to login to do this. See, it’s not enough for the new black kid on the team to be just as competent as everyone else on russian junkyard filled with ladies team, oh no.
He has to be Super Negro and beat the snot out of everybody else in the entire gymnastics world. Token Female character can do no wrong. They will never bumble or make a mistake, even in a show where the majority of the cast does. You will virtually never see Native Americans in 21st century works without this trope being present in spades, usually in a hybrid of the Magical Native American and Noble Savage tropes. Sometimes the writers are being deliberately Anvilicious about equality and discrimination. Other times, they’re just concerned about looking racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist etc.
You would think stories with all-minority casts would be exempt from this trope, but not always. You’ll notice that characters in such stories tend to have upper-class dream jobs. This can lead to a case of Unpleasable Fanbase. On one hand, lack of Positive Discrimination, as stated above, puts the writer in danger of being called racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.
Compare Closer to Earth, Females Are More Innocent, and The Unfair Sex. Used in this Mario Kart 7 ad. The incredible opponents are Japanese girls. In Eyeshield 21, Patrick “Panther” Spencer, a well-known, dark-skinned individual, gets this treatment. By the final story, where a chapter or play doesn’t seem to be able to go by without saying he’s greater than everyone else due to “his black genes”, it truly sticks out.